Grumman/American General Traveller AA5 aircraft for sale

The Grumman American AA-5 US-series produced by Grumman American (formerly American Aviation) is a family of four-seat, all-metal, light aircraft. The aircrafts are mainly used for touring and training.

The AA-5 Traveler (first produced by American Aviation which was sold to Gruman in 1971) was powered by a Lyoming 0-320-E2G enigne. It was produced from 1971 until 1975 and superseded by the further refined AA-5A Cheetah.
Grumman/American General AA-5on request
EU tax paid
Year: 1973; TTAF: 2335h; Type: Single Prop; Location: Germany, Worms, EDFV; IFR equipped; Serial No.: AA-5-0412; Reg. No.: D-EEHT; Last annual: 12/2024
Grumman/American General AA-5 TravellerCAD 72,666
€ 48,999
net price: € 41,176
Year: 1973; TTAF: 2330h; Type: Single Prop; Location: Germany, EDFZ; Reg. No.: D-EEHT